Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is Finis Nova?

Welcome to my new blog. If you were listed among the people I emailed it is because I value your opinion and your input. I have spoken with many of you over the last couple of months regarding what this blog is about so I am sure that you understand.

This blog is the beginning of solutions to major fire control in my life. More importantly, it is also the beginning of building of wealth for myself and a few others who will have the ambition and dedication to participate.

Over the last three years I have realized that I am simply tired of trying to find the right job, the right place to live, the endless applications, the frustration with training and re-training. It feels generally sisyphean at this point. "Jobs" will eventually get better in the United States, but I expect to be working out in Korea soon. However, the whole wage-slave lifestyle -especially in education- does not appeal to me anymore.

This recently climaxed last May in which I was forced to leave Los Angeles. Now, it is doubtful that I would have ever stayed in Los Angeles to begin with, but I do not want to be forced to leave an area. Having to leave because I cannot get employed is very frustrating. I want to be able to choose where I live. Other financial concerns weigh heavily on my mind as well. They are concerns that are familiar to all of you such as student loans, rent, retirement savings, general emergency funds etc. Most importantly, I support two world vision kids. This is not a good thing that I do not want to cease.

There was been a strange and wonderful thing I have noticed over the last year. I sell things on Zazzle more often than I get calls back for job interviews. I can't speak for any of you, but it is a very, very, good feeling when you make something and someone buys it. The income is small, but the income is passive. It is a finite amount of work for an infinite amount revenue over time. This seems advantageous, does it not?

I have also learned recently that millionaires read one non-fiction book a month. If there is anything that a liberal arts background can give you, it is the ability to learn and read quickly. Over the summer I have been reading a few important books. I just finished a textbook on videogame design.

I suppose everyone can probably guess what it is I intend to do. I intend to design and produce a facebook game. This means finding friends who have talents in areas that I do not, and going through the process of game development from proto-type, to alpha, to beta, and eventually a release. There will be a lot to do and a lot to learn. I believe that such a project will take well over year.

I feel very strongly that this is the right thing to do. In the worst case scenario, the programmers and artists who I work with will be able to have shining gem to place on their resumes. "I participated in the design, production, and execution of a major independent project." I imagine that most employers might like to see that. In the best case scenario is that we run a little cooporation, work our asses off for a period of time, but then later twiddle our thumbs as supplementary income magically appears in our bank accounts.

One can only guess what other games might come afterwards.

This blog will serve as a disucssion, brainstorming, and a general need for consistency on my part. Everything else will be password protected, so you might want to e-mail if you want to read anymore. Additionally, my twitter account is up in the corner and you can follow me there as well.

Here's to a lot more research.


  1. It's a hair brained idea and your not qualified to undertake it... I'm in.

  2. Wow, sounds bold and adventurous! I'm in as well :)

  3. Sounds like I have a project manager...

  4. What the hell, count me in.

    I'm no good for coding but I can probably come up with story ideas and the like.
