Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Inklings of a Campaign World

This post is protected, but if you're reading this I have course given you permission to read it.

What follows is quick brainstorm of nations in a campaign world. This is incredibly rough sketch, that is not intended to even go in to serious detail. Remember though that the starting classes and races that are available to a player will depend on which nation they choose to start in. Unlocking other classes/races will involve grinding/questing.

Also, technology levels will be different depending on the nations. Though I am not sure whether some places will be full on steam-punk while others will be dark ages yet.

Here they area.

Large Nation States
The Elvish Areas The Elves in this campaign world will be in a kind of political crisis. A progressive group of Elves are favoring arcane magic and a highly structured, unified, and hierarchical society. It aims at a "Lawful Good" or "Lawful Neutral" society. Their buildings are made of stone, and not wood. Another group of elves is of an older order. They are the semi-nomadic Druidic culture that is prefers to stay in the time when Elves where more genuine, isolated, and went with the flow of nature. These Elves are true neutral in their ethos and accuse the progressives of creating evil by creating good, creating thieves by creating possessions, and creating crime by creating governments.

Dwarf Feudal Kingdom I have always found it odd that Dwarves live underground, but somehow manage to feed their populations without above ground farms. The Feudal Kingdom will be a mixture of cave dwelling dwarves who handle industry and surface dwelling dwarves who handle agriculture. Their government is build on feudal baronies. Peasants are still tied to the land. There is very little social mobility. I have considered making the Feudal Kingdom totally human, but I think a Dwarf feudal kingdom might be more original.

The Stagnant Empire Formally the southern half of a human Empire, is now a shadow of its former glory since invasions of barbarian races cut the Empire down the middle. It remains relatively isolated from the rest of the world, but still maintains much art, culture, and even magic.

The Human Republics This collection of city states split off from the Stagnant Empire centuries ago during the invasions. During that time, they ceased to acknowledge the authorities of appointed governors and magistrates and began experimenting with independent constitutional governments. Local hereditary barons still hold official power over the cities (with elected parliaments), but the entire confederation is governed by a senate and appointed sovereign.

The Island States These recently settled islands are a mercantile trade hub with all other areas. The islands are officially governed by a Lord and an elected council, but the real power of this islands is within three aristocratic families who control the trade routes, lend money, and construct ships. Each family has their own history and interests. All races are represented here. They are allied with no nation, but maintain close relations with the Human Republics.

Smaller Areas

How about a small, theocratic, city state?

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