Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Divide up the Primary Stats?

Of all the pieces that make up an RPG, how one divides up stats, is probably the most fundamental. They affect everything from the power of abilities, to chances to hit, to whether or not the character gets some.

Character stats are also fundamental because from the most basics, (Strength, Dexeterity etc) one can automatically derive the other more secondary stats (Hit points, "saving throws," speed).

The challenge is to do the following things: 1)Divide the stats in a believable way because this contributes to immersion 2) Make the stats simple enough that they can be easily understood and adjusted because players want good gameplay 3) Bear in mind how the stats will affect spells and abilities in context of combat.

I submit here, for judgment of all of you, two paradigms of stats. The first is the familiar AD&D 2.0 that all of you are all probably familiar with:

This paradigm is familiar to all who have ever played an RPG. It is easy to adjust, to manage, and everyone will automatically assume which classes need what. There is no need to re-invent the wheel if the wheel is rolling just fine. There are however, two problems I see.

The first, is that there is no character stat for visual perception. If a hunter fires a bow, a thief spots a trap, or someone finds a secret door which stat best provides the bonus? Dexterity might work for the fist example, but what do you use for the other two? Wisdom maybe?

Secondly in covering "Wisdom" I have always thought that it covers to much. If I say, use wisdom to cover visual perception, it seems strange that I also use it to cover the resistance to a charm spell, the cleverness of a problem solving, or a the sheer will power to haggle for the right price. I have always thought that wisdom was a "catch all" for mental powers not included in intelligence.

There then, are two problems I see with the AD&D paradigm.

The second Paradigm comes from the game Arcanum. Arcanum has eight stats instead of six. There are four "physical stats" and four corresponding "mental stats." Here they are:
Physical Stats / Mental stats
Strength / Intelligence
Constitution / Will Power
Dexterity / Perception
Beauty / Charisma

I'm sure you can see some of the advantages to this paradigm. First, there is a visual perception stat. Secondly, even Beauty and Charisma are rightly divided. How often did you play a table top RPG and wonder if your character was attractive instead of just charismatic? If I were to ever table-top RPG again, I would want to play in a system that used these stats rather than AD&D stats.

There is perhaps a not so obvious down turn. Arcanum was a radically open world design. It was so "open" that there were not even character class. Your avatar became what you allotted the skill points to. This was great for creating original, unique, characters in a solo-RPG -and it would be a nightmare for PVP balance. Also, I can imagine how Charimsa might affect abilities (Paladin auras, for instance) but I see no place at all for physical beauty.

There are other paradigms out there. World of Warcraft, has its own workable paradigm. As do many other games. What must be decided here is what kind of paradigm would be best used in this game. Keep in mind that if this picked well, than all other stats can be derived from whatever primary stats are chosen.

That will keep it simple for players, as well as provide believable immersion.


  1. You want to avoid the "dump stat" above all else. Every stat must either be equally useful to everyone or very useful to a particular class if it isn't.

    Also, six stats is probably pushing it; eight almost certainly is for something like a Facebook game. Strength and Constitution are near enough the same thing that you could probably make them the same stat. Same with Wisdom and Intelligence. Dexterity isn't really reducible like that, and neither is Charisma.

    So you have:


    But Charisma's still a dump stat. So to round it out a bit, maybe call it Luck (after all, if you're born pretty or charismatic, you're lucky) and then your Luck stat might help you out at random. That would make it far more useful and clearly not a dump stat.

    Now with your four stats, you build classes around them:

    STR-fighters, barbarians
    DEX-thieves, assassins, monks
    WIS-clerics, mages, druids
    LUCK-bards, paladins, sorcerors

    Looks pretty balanced to me, without being overly complex or really leaving anything out. What do you think?

  2. Stu, you have raised many good points. I two, think that 8 is way to much for a facebook RPG (especially if multiple characters are involved.)

    I am not confindent with the idea of "Luck" replace charisma. If a Paladin has some kind of ability like "remove fear" that seems to be a Charisma thing, not a "luck" thing.

    I think Cons and Str are very like collapsible.

    I am still a stickler for a visual perception category. Ranged weapons, spotting traps, catching stealthed enemies all depend on visual perception.

    At Minimum, I could see this:
    STR - (hit points, melee damge, blocking with sheilds)
    DEX - (evasion, chance to hit, stealth)
    Perception - (crit with ranged weapons, catching stealth, finding traps)
    Int/Wis - (Mana Bar, Mana regeneration, spell damage, spell resistance?)
    Chr - (Paladin Auras, "Charm" spells, "war shouts")

    Chr, might still be a dump stat here, in wich case I could drop it, but I fear that four might be to little. Intellegience and Will Power could be split into to (I prefer to dump "wisdom" all together.)

  3. Maybe if you're going to do that, you could lump CHA in with Perception? They seem like they might fit well enough.

  4. If I might make a suggestion, why not have 8 stats, but make 4 of them unmodifiable. You then would not be able to modify characteristics that one would be born with. So, for example:

    Intelligence - You can learn more, but you can't become smarter
    Constitution - You are as tough as you are
    Dexterity - Based on frame/body type
    Beauty - based on body type

    The above could then be determined by your character choice. You never have to look at this again however, making stat adjustments easy.

    Strength - You can work out to become stronger, seek medical care or become injured
    Will Power - Based on moral and health?
    Perception - Modifiable (glasses for example) by items or ageing or training
    Charisma - Based on training or age. Training would be demonstrating social prowess. This could also be considered wisdom.

    Then only these last 4 would be modified by level ups. You would then add modifiable characteristics to the unmodifiable ones to calculate damage or effectiveness for actions or battles.

  5. I think Beauty and Chr are completely nixable. I think they are critical in an RPG, but not in an mmo-esque thing. I'm concerned that unmodfiable stats might break the canon to much? I don't know of any rpg that has done so.

    I was thinking these five:

    Strength - (hp, hp regen, melee damage, chance to block)
    Dex - (chance to hit, chance to evade, crit melee, stealth)
    Perception - (crit with ranged, chance to hit ranged, spot stealth/trap,)
    Will Power - (spell damage, de-buffs, mana regen, resist or cause sleep/taunt/fear etc)
    Int - (total mana, crit with spells, effectiveness of healing)

  6. Yeah, those sound good, although a different term for int might be good. I feel like intelligence is a bit of a misnomer, but can't think of a good synonym.
