Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mage Spells, the Technical list

Herein again, you the programmer can help me. Feedback is always good, because that helps the progress of the project. Please, let me know if anything here is unclear or could be worded better.

The next blogs will be brief, technical descriptions of the abilites for class. I plan to release one every other day. If you haven't already, check out the list of terms

I still have not learned UML.

Lets start with the Mages. Mages are the generic spell casters. They rely on magic to both dish out damage and defend themselves. Their spells are divided into the categories of Enchantment/Charm, Evokation, ad Manipulation.

  1. Sleep (DeBuffer)
    Sleep places the Sleep (Debuff) on the enemy. While under the effect of Sleep (Debuff) the character cannot perform any actions and their dodge/block is set to 0%. Defending characters have a chance to avoid sleep with a saving throw. If the fail, the Sleep (Debuff) will last for x rounds. At the end of those rounds, the character can make another saving throw to wake up for the next three rounds. The penalty for the save diminishes each round.
    The Sleep (Debuff) is a magical debuff.

  2. Clarity (Buffer)
    Clarity casts the Clarity (Buff) on any ally. The buff increases the intelligence of target character by x. Clarity (Buff) is a magical buff.

  3. Confusion (DeBuffer)
    Confusion places the confusion (debuff) on an enemy. While under confusion (debuff) the target will do one of five random things each round. 1) Melee attack a random character, enemy or ally. 2) Cower in fear, receiving –x to armor, 3) stand idle 4)swing weapon wildly, 5) use random ability on random target. If an ability is on cooldown, the target will simply go to their next random ability. No abilities that are “channeled” may be used. It is important to note that the targeted character can buff an enemy or debuff an ally.
    Confusion (Debuff) is a magical debuff.

  4. Hypnotize (Debuffer)
    Hypnotize places the hypnotize (debuff) on an enemy character. Characters under this debuff cannot attack or target the caster in any way. They may make a saving throw to resist the debuff. Hypnotize (Debuff) is removed by Confusion (Debuff).

  5. Enchant Armor (Buffer)
    Enchant Armor places the Enchant Armor (buff) on any ally. Characters under this buff will receive +x to all defensive saving throws (this excludes catching stealth, but includes resisting sleep for instance) and +x% resistance to shadow and arcane damage.
    Enchant Armor (buff) is a magical buff.

  1. Ice Bolt (Debuffer, Direct Damage)
    Ice Bolt does direct damage(frost) to an enemy. Characters can avoid by dodge, block, or frost resistance. Any character who does not completely avoid the Ice Bolt, the character receives the Ice Bolt (Debuff). This debuff gives them –x to all initiative rolls and –x to DEX.
    Ice Bolt (Debuff) is a magical debuff.

  2. Firebolt (Ddot, Direct Damage)
    Firebolt does direct damage(fire) to an enemy. Characters can avoid by a dodge, block, or fire resistance. Characters hit by Firebolt receive the Firebolt (debuff) for two rounds. The first round they will take another x% for the damage(fire) from the corresponding Firebolt. They second round they will take another y% damage(fire) from the firebolt. Firebolt (Debuff) is a magical debuff.

  3. Detonate (AOE)
    Detonate is an explosion that damages all enemies. The damage is fire. Defending characters may make a saving throw for half damage. The damage can be completely avoided by fire resistance.

  4. Lightening Storm (Channel)
    Lightening storm causes x bolts of Lightening to strike random enemy targets. The targets will take electrical damage unless they make a saving throw for half. The damage can be completely avoided by Electrical Resistance.

  5. Arcane Bolt (Direct Damage)
    Arcane Bolt deals Arcane damage to the enemy. The Damage can be avoided by Arcane Resistance, but NOT by a dodge or a block.

  1. Freeze Armor (Debuffer)

    When Freeze Armor is cast it immediately interrupts all actions performed by the defender whether that be a spell, attack, or ability. It also deals damage(frost) to the defender. It also places Freeze Armor (debuff) on the enemy. This debuff lowers DEX and initiative.

  2. Freeze Armor (debuff) is a magical debuff.

    There is no saving throwing against this spell, but it may only be cast on metal armor and can be avoided by frost resistance.

  3. Ray of Enfeeblement (Debuffer)
    Ray of Enfeeblement places Enfeeblement (debuff) on the target. This debuff lowers STR. Enfeeblement (debuff) is a magical debuff.

  4. Displacement (Buffer)
    Displacement (buff) is a buff that affects only the caster. It will increase the caster’s chance to dodge by x%. Displacement is a magical debuff.

  5. Stone Skin (Buffer)
    Stone Skin places the Stoneskin (buff) a friendly target. Stoneskin (debuff) lowers DEX, but increase armor and provides X% resistance to electrical and nature damage. Stone Skin (buff) is a magical buff.

  6. I had placed "haste" here, but I'm actually open to suggestions.

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