Saturday, December 25, 2010

Please, you offer damage types!

One thing that is great about books like The Artist's Way is that it teaches you to shut off the left brain and let the right brain run free. That is what imaginative brainstorming is. It is only after you have done all the imaginative brainstorming that it makes sense to turn on the left brain that will judge the work you spit out on paper.

What needs to be imagined now is every type of damage in a fantasy role-playing setting. Sure, many of much I am about to list could be condensed, simplified, and cut down. However, that's what you do after you list all the brainstorming. In fact, if you have any more suggestions, go ahead and mention them. If you think anything on this list should be collapsed, eliminated, or simplified, you can mention that too.

Here goes:

Damage from weapons can be divided into piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning.

Damage can also be divided up by four elements, such as Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.

Magical Damage can be divided up into Arcane, Shadow, Necromantic, Electric, and Frost

Other types of damage could be Biological, Acidic, Poison, or the broad Nature

Finally, there is always Holy damage.

Now, I already think that many of these can be collapsed. Some can be gotten rid of. However, every conceivable type of damage should be covered and then people can turn on the left brains and cut things out.

Please, tell me what you think of the list and add, remove, adjust etc as you see fit because that is an important step before listing off abilities of characters.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Not feeling so well and not abandoning the game.

There is nothing more lame than a blogger who whines about not posting, but nonetheless I feel I should explain why I have not updated this blog.

The first and foremost reason was NaNoWriMo. I knew that this project was going to take a back seat, but I did not mention it here. Which I really wish I would have.

Secondly, was been my move and settling into a job and new country. This has not been an easy task.

Finally, there has been all the work I've been doing offline for this project. There has been no shortage of brainstorming going on in my spare time, nor mapping out of all the things I will eventually put together for the game BCP.

The answer to many questions is no, I have not and I will not abandon or forget about this project. Even if I decide to abandon this blog, there is no doubt that I will get the BCP going. Simply put, the creation of a facebook game is still something that I get very excited about. It is very encouraging to remember that the earliest video games began with guys in college who had full time schedules. I have a part time work schedule. Therefore, there is really no way that this can't get done.

I still look forward to reaping the financial benefits of this game in the distant future. I have found an English bookstore in the area that will allow me order books -like things on interface design- soon.

Until then, I am at the point in which I am designing character abilities.

Keep you all posted.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It has been to long: Chance to hit formulas

I realize that I have not been keeping up with updating this blog. A big part of that is that I am doing NaNoWriMo this months and the pages upon pages of writing have been going into that. Also, I have realized that what I really need to do is less public brainstorming and more privately designed and complete document so that I can put together some instructions for a BCP.

I have however created chance to hit formulas. This chance to hit formula will calculate both the chance to hit and the amount of damage "absorbed" by armor in one roll.

Some back ground first. Characters will have two relevant attributes when it comes to hitting and dealing damage. One attribute will be the damage multiplier and the other will be the attribute that affects the attack rating. The attack rating itself will be mathematically derived number that affects the chance to hit. What affects each of these will depend on the weapon used or the type of spell:
Projectile Spell = INT(attack rating); WIL(damage multiplier)
Mellee Weapon = DEX(attack rating); STR(Damage multiplier)
Ranged Weapon = DEX (attack rating): PRC(Damage Multiplier)

As mentioned in another blog the amount of damage is simply the base damage of weapon/spell (1-4 points) multiplied by the attribute. So if a character is striking with "rusty dagger" (1-2 base points) and has a STR of 9, then the range of damage is 9-18.

Now, the attack rating is also depended on an attribute. I don't know how that will be derived yet. I do think the average attack rating for a level one character should be about 10 and should double every ten levels, just like armor. Note, that I'm tied to the number 10, it can be 100 at level one, just as long as it doubles about every 10 levels. Additionally, the attack rating should be approximently equal to the average "heavy leather" armor rating. This is the second highest armor rating, with metal armor, on average, exceeding attack ratings.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

The actual formula works like this. In order for a character to hit, there must be calculated a "full hit minimum" (FHM) number. The number will be within the range of 0-100, although it can exceed 100 in certain circumstances. It will be calculated according to this formula:
FHM == {[0.8a + (a-d) + (la-ld)]/a} * 100
a = attack rating
d = defender's armor
l = level of attacker and defender

If the defender and attacker have equivalent levels, and the attack rating and armor rating are the same, than the FHM == 80. Compare that to a random number 1-100. If the random number >= 80, than calculate full damage (base damage * damage multiplier.

Note, this is a pretty high bar. An attacker fighting an evenly matched defender, the attacker will deal full damage only 1 out of every 5 strikes. However, this is Full hit minimum. If the attacker is below the mininum he will not deal no damage, but will deal less damage:
If RND(1-100) is less than FHM by .1-10.0 then calculated damage * 80% ("partial hit")
If RND(1-100) is less than FHM by 10.1-20.0 then calculated damage * 60% ("weak hit")
If RND(1-100) is less than FHM by 20.1-30.0 then calculated damage * 40% ("glancing blow")
If RND(1-100) is less than FHM by 30.1-40.0 then calculate damage * 20% ("near miss")
If RND(1-100) is less than FHM by 40.1 or or more then calculate no damage ("complete miss")

So in combat between evenly matched characters, damage will be dealt to the defender about 60 percent of time (excluding calculations for evasion/blocking), and most of those hits will not be full 100% damage. In this way, the comparison between the armor rating and attack rating will cover both chance to hit and damage absorbed by armor. There will be no need have a separate formula for damage absorption.

An important question at this point is will players like hiting only 60% of the time, or will this generate more frustration than challenge? How often should players expect to hit an evenly matched opponent?

I plan to soon make a flow chart that will include evasion, block, critical hit, and so forth. Assuming that programmers like flow charts. :-)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

On the Prototype to be programmed

Once again, I think back to the blogs I have been writing and I realize that I am not the best communicator. The last couple blogs are like sketches of tiny pieces of a great technical schematic, with little mention of what the schematic is for. This blog is attempt to remedy that. To give some kind of goal to what all those little sketches are for. For the programmers, after reading this, all of you can mention off a complete, ideal, and clear list of details that you need before you start programming.

The very first thing to be programmed, tested, and got "right" is a basic combat protype. The goal of this is to get the heart of the game fluid, balanced, workable. This is where players will be spending most of their time. When we get this part right, a solid third of the work on the game will be complete.

GUIThe Basic Combat Prototype needs a very limited GUI. The GUI will be for testers to create and customize characters. There will need to be a character creation screen, and a combat screen. In the character creation testers can 1)set levels, class and race. 2)set the fab-five attributes 3)set armor/weapons appropriate to their level. Experience points are not needed for the basic combat prototype. In the combat screen, the testers will be able to see 1)their character's mana, health, attack and def ratings. 2)the same for their opponents. 3) Buffs and de-buffs on all characters. 4) a way to pick what actions the characters will do during the round of combat. 5) color coded text, at the end of combat, indicated combat resolution.

Remember, combat in this game is entirely turned based. Just like the squaresoft games. The important difference is that no selected action resolves until all characters have chosen an action for a particular round.

Classes The details of each class are yet to be determined. For the sake of the BCP, we will create Fighters, Rangers, Rouges, and Mages. The classes will relate to each other in rock-paper-scissors relationship. Fighters will have the advantage against Rangers, Rangers against Rouges, Rouges against mages, and mages against fighters.

Priests will be excluded for now since healing is an imbalancing force. Hybrid classes (Druid, Paladin etc) will also be introduced later.

Vanilla Abilities/Calcualtions. There will, of course, be vanilla abilities that are needed in combat. Here they are: Damage(melee weapon), chance to hit/crit(melee weapon), initiative, damage(ranged weapon), chance to hit/crit(ranged weapon), damage(spell), chance to hit/crit(spell), chance to evade, chance to block

How all of this is determined is the subject of another blog.

Special abilities These are the class specific abilities like a wizard spell or a heavy strike with a weapon. All of this will be determined later. These abilities are important because they will help determine how the classes have advantages on each other.

Weapons and Armor Levels will limit what types of weapons characters can use. Like wise with weapons. Armor will be classified as cloth, light leather, heavy leather, and metal. Armor will have a numerical rating. When the rating is compared in a ratio of cloth : light leather : heavy leather : metal will be 1 : 1.5 : 2 : 3. For instance, if a level 1 wizard has armor that gives him a rating of ~10, than a warrior (wearing metal) will have armor rating of ~30. Higher levels will have access to stronger and strong armor, but the rating will always be in the same ratio. Armor will affect 1)chance to hit, 2)damage absorbed.

Weapons will be much easier. Thing of D&D 2.0 rules. All weapons have damage, speed, and type. we don't even need to worry about type of damage. All we need to list is that "Long sword deals 1-8 base points of damage." The base is multiplied by a character attribute. This will be discussed in another blog.

Initiative This is probably the most tricky part of the Basic Combat Prototype. Initiative will *not* determine what order a player chooses what he will do in a around. Rather initiative will determine a chain of events that resolve at the end of a round of combat.

Initiative will be first decided by a random roll between 1-20. Higher numbers, mean that the character's actions resolve first. Weapon speeds subtract numbers. Casting time subtract numbers. Speed potions add numbers. Magical buffs add numbers. Here's an example of how it works:

GoodRouge1, GoodFighter1 and Goodfighter2 are in a battle with Evilmage1 Evilmage2 and Evilranger1. All characters choose actions:

Goodrouge1 -> Attack(Evilmage2)
GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1)
GoodFighter2 -> Attack(EvilMage2)

EvilMage1 -> Cast FrostBolt(Goodfigther2)
EvilMage2 -> Cast PoisonCloud(GoodRouge1)
EvilRanger1 -> Attack(Goodfighter2)

Now that every has chosen their action, initiative is decided. The order is based on random rolls, weapon speeds, and casting times. After the rolls are decided, the order looks like this:
1. GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1)
2. EvilMage1 -> Cast FrostBolt(Goodfigther2)
3. EvilRanger1 -> Attack(Goodfighter2)
4. GoodFighter2 -> Attack(EvilMage2)
5. Evil Mage 2 -> Cast PoisonCloud(GoodRouge1)
6. Goodrouge1 -> Attack(Evilmage2)

Each step fully resolve before the rest of the chain. So GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1) resolves first. The Knock Out punch suceeds. The ranger is now unconsious for x rounds, and his actions this round are negated. The order now looks like this:

1. GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1) (Resolved)
2. EvilMage1 -> Cast FrostBolt(Goodfigther2)
3. EvilRanger1 -> Attack(Goodfighter2) (negated)
4. GoodFighter2 -> Attack(EvilMage2)
5. EvilMage2 -> Cast PoisonCloud(GoodRouge1)
6. Goodrouge1 -> Attack(Evilmage2)

Evilmage1 now cast frost bolt. It succeeds. Frost bolt does damage, and addition subtracts from all initiate rolls. In this case, the subtraction from initiative rolls. In this case, the subtraction from Goodfighter2's roll is enough that his original roll is now lower Evilmage2's roll, but still higher than Goodrouge1's roll. The new order looks like this.

1. GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1) (Resolved)
2. EvilMage1 -> Cast FrostBolt(Goodfigther2) (Resolved)
3. EvilRanger1 -> Attack(Goodfighter2) (negated)
4. EvilMage2 -> Cast PoisonCloud(GoodRouge1)
5. GoodFighter2 -> Attack(EvilMage2)
6. Goodrouge1 -> Attack(Evilmage2)

Evilmage2 casts PoisonCloud. The Rouge happens to have an item that makes him immune to poison. It fails. The next order looks like this.

1. GoodFighter1 -> Cast KnockOutPunch(EvilRanger1) (Resolved)
2. EvilMage1 -> Cast FrostBolt(Goodfigther2) (Resolved)
3. EvilRanger1 -> Attack(Goodfighter2) (negated)
4. EvilMage2 -> Cast PoisonCloud(GoodRouge1) (resolved)
5. GoodFighter2 -> Attack(EvilMage2)
6. Goodrouge1 -> Attack(Evilmage2)

You can see how this goes on and on. Now, the players will never actually see all this text as the chain resolves. That is just for the computer to work out for programmers to conceptually understand. Instead, they will only see the final result at the end of the round. The final output of this round of combat will look like this:

Goodfighter1 knocks out Evilranger1! for 233pts of damage
Evilmage1 fires Frostbolt at Goodfighter2 for 140pts of frost damage.
Evilranger1 is unconscious.
Evilmage2 casts Poison Cloud on EvilRouge1! Target is immune!
GoodFighter2 attacks EvilMage2 for 430pts of damage!
Goodrouge1 attacks evilmage1 for 230pts of damage!

The numbers for damage here are arbitrarily chosen, as this example was only meant to show how end-of-round combat resolution works with initiative. After this output, the players will again choose what their characters will do.

Fluidity One of the most important things in BCP is a sense of fluidity. Have you ever played a game where your character's NEVER hit their targets, and combat moves at a slow pace? That's annoying. Players need to feel that they are getting somewhere in combat, espeically PvP combat. Thus, no matter what kind of math we do to come to calculate formulas, the following things should be true between evenly matched characters.
1. Two evenly matched fighters should land hits against each other approx 60% of the time. Before armor de-buffs are considered.
2. A mage, when casting spells that have a chance to hit, (Frostbolts, fire bolts, magic missles) should hit evenly matched warriors approx 60% of the time, before armor de-buffs are considered.
3. Stealthed Rouges should have only a 10% chance getting spotted by a opposing character if the rouge's DEX matches the opposing character's PRC and they are of equivalent level.
4. Spells that do not use chance to hit (spells that do not act like thrown projectiles, such as a sleep or fear spell) should only be resisted approx 10% of the time among evenly matched characters.
5. Dueling between two evenly matched characters should not last aprrox 5-9 rounds, before healing is considered.

Wow. This turned out a lot longer than I expected. My hope is that all of you reading this will have a better understanding of what I am going for. I really want to give anyone who writes the program of this exactly what they need in order to understand how this program will be developed.

The Basic Combat Prototype will eventually be used to test, tweak, and just balance in the game. Before that happens though, I ask anyone to email me a list of things they need in order to write an algorithm, and eventually a program, that can run this.

This is goal of everything else posted in the blog for now. Lots of brainstorming and such will have to take place, and lots of feedback from programmers is needed before I can write up a final document.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

On Zynga's success,

I've read a few articles on Zynga's success that I think are worth sharing. For those of you who don't know (which is probably not many of you) Zynga is the big dog of big dogs when it comes to facebook games. They are the ones who gave the world Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and Farmville. This article covers the greatness and challenges that are Zynga.

Thus is given to us the potential greatness and expected obstacles.

According to this article, Zynga's April 2010 revenue was 50 Million. This is good news for anyone creating a facebook game. Because, while the industry is "block buster driven" most of us will be satisfied if we ever become one tenth of one percent as good as Zynga is. That would be 50 thousand in one month, by the way.

The article is a bit dated, but it is here for your enlightenment.
Zynga creates, launches, and manages games better than any other company. Games are a hit-driven business and have become more like Hollywood blockbusters in their heavy development costs and large marketing budgets. It is not inconceivable for EA to spend many years and $100 million to create and market a new game.

Zynga does this at a fraction of the time and cost. For example, the company took just 5 months and 25 people to launch CafĂ© World, which now boasts close to 30 million players. The company did this for likely under $10 million in development and $20 million – $30 million in marketing. So it has both a development and marketing cost advantage over EA and other traditional gaming companies.

There is one other article. Such as the complicated relationship between Zynga and Facebook, which can be found here. Facebook, is moving over to facebook credits. This might a be a huge adjustment for facebook gamers.
Facebook could force Zynga to adjust its math. More than 90% of the company's revenues come from users converting real cash into proprietary virtual currency. FarmVille, for example, has Farm Coins. Say you buy a tractor for 5,000 Farm Coins, which equals about $3.30. Typically the company pays less than 10% of that to a third-party transaction handler such as PayPal and keeps the rest. (In March, PayPal said Zynga was its second-largest merchant after eBay.)

Facebook is testing a service called Facebook Credits that would offer a single virtual currency for use on many different apps. If the social network forces app makers to use Facebook Credits, as some developers expect will happen this year, Zynga would have to pay the company up to 30% of every transaction. "If Credits become pervasive, I don't think Pincus can stop it. It's going to hit the margin," says Peter Relan, executive chairman of CrowdStar, one of Zynga's many competitors.

I invite everyone's thoughts. Specifically, if you were to monetize a facebook, how comfortable are you with "facebook credits" and what would you need to know? Furthermore, on a shoe-string budget, how do you think a game might be promoted?

Of course, one need only really imitate the masters. However, there is always room for improvement.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hit Points and levels.

Apparently, according to Adam, I actually do not need to come up with formulas. Nonetheless, I like formulas and will keep using them.

Formulas are my friends. So constant. So dependable.

Anyway, a few things need to be said before getting into hit point calculations. First, whenever a character levels up, the player will have the opportunity to raise one attribute by one point. So if a character has the following "fab five" basic attributes:
Str 13
Dex 14
Prc 9
Wil 12
Int 10

The player can raise the Str to 14 or the Prc to 10 or so on and so on. This helps fulfill two important aspects of gameplay: Players fill in control of their character's development and (in combat) there is a degree of data hidden to the player or "incomplete knowledge." So if you, the player, are fighting a warrior, you would not know if your opponent favored Dex or Str. You might guess he didn't emphasize Wil, but you would never know. Knowing everything about the the other character's stats is little bit like playing poker where everyone has an open hand.

The important Stat for this blog is Str. Str is used to determine overall hit points of a character. There are few things that I am trying to do when I calculate hit points.
1. Hit Points should raise with level, and raise in such away that we avoid "diminishing returns." If you're a level 2 warrior with 16 hit points, and you raise it by 8, that's great. If you're a level 20 warrior with 80 hitpoints, another 8 is not a great gain.
2. Hit points are dependent on Str, but not only Str. Each level should give you some extra hit points, and if you add to your Str, you will get even more.
3. Warriors should have the most HP, Rogues the Second most, and Mages the least. These differences should become more and more pronounced as the levels increase.

I think many people might come up with a better formula, but here's how I have thought it up.

h = Str * b
h = total hit points. This will range from 320 - 4000 depending on class, level, etc.

b = the base hit points. The base hit points increase at a constant rate based on class and level. Str is not yet applied.

Base hit points will be calculated using the compounding interest formula. This will avoid diminishing returns.

b = p(1 + r)l

p = equals "principle" hit points (sorry, can't think of a better term!) which will be different for each class.
r = the rate of increase each level, also different for each class.
l = character level.

"p" for warriors, rogues, and wizards will be 42, 40, and 38 respectively. "r" for warriors, rogues, and wizards will be .055, .05, and .045 (or 5.5%, 5% 4.5%) respectively.

When all this is put together, we get a nice graph that reflects the range and progression of hit points. A "strong" character is one in which the player increase Str every fourth level. A "weak" character is one in which the player increases Str every sixth.

Obviously, this does not reflect the full range of hit points. It is possible to have a warrior who has 40 Str and around 8000 Hp, but he would be clumsy with his weapon (low Dex), vulnerable to all kinds of spells (Low Wil and Int) and would never catch that Rogue sneaking up right under his nose (Low prc). He'd basically be brute idiot. Much like "dim" in "A Clockwork Orange."

Now here's the real challenge. These numbers do not mean a whole lot unless they are compared with how much damage can be dealt in a single round. Obviously, "balance" is hard thing to master. However, I think that if something like Hit Point scaling remains constant, then there is a reference point for all else to adjust to.

Of course, this part of the game is not set in stone and can be changed.

How does this look?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saving Thorws part II

Hello friends.

After much discussion with James Shewey, I feel that I need to do another post on game mechanics. Specifically "ability checks." The biggest challenge of this project is for me to really learn how to communicate, so I really value all the feedback I get from programmer types. There are few things that should bedisccued first. Here's the goes.

First terminology: what I am describing is no longer called an "ability check." Ability check will get to confusing. This will hence forth called "saving throws." This is because (as will become clear later) what the throw is against will be more important than what ability is used.

Secondly, all the saving throws are character versus character, rather than character versus environment. In this blog I am dealing with "saving throw to catch stealth" "saving throw to resist fear" "saving throw to escape entanglement" etc.

Third, there are goals. These are guidelines, for expected gameplay, that any way of setting up saving throws should conform to:
Guideline 1: If character is making a saving throw against an ability of another character of equivalent level and equivalent relevant attribute (str, prc, etc) than the chance of success should be about 8-10%. This is for sake of player enjoyment, and a sense of action in battle. Players will become frustrated if their abilities work only 50% of the time, or even fail 25% of the time. In sum: success of saving throws should be fairly rare among even matched characters.

Guideline 2: If the defender's level > attacker's level that should increase the chance of a successful saving throw. The inverse is also true.

Guideline 3: If the defender's ability > attacker's ability that should increase the chance of a successful saving throw. The inverse is also true.

Guideline 4: Unequal levels and unequal abilities will affect probability of a save, as above, but it should be very difficult for the probability to ever reach 1 or fall to 0. For instance a defending player is only two lower, and his ability is two lower, than he should still have a chance to save (though it will be lower than 10%). This is because of a bit challenge in game play: it should be hard to have your spells never fail or your defending player always resist.

Guideline 5: Items, buffs, may increase the chance of the saving throw, but not the ability that the saving throw uses.

Okay, so hopefully that should serve as a guide. Keep in mind, gameplay and good gameplay is the goal of all the game mechanics.

The basic function (object? class? I don't speak programmer) is a very simple formula:
Probability to save = (ad-p+b)/ad
ad = relevant ability of defending player.
p = the penalty. This must always be greater than 0.
b = the bonus to saving throw. This comes from equipment or spell buffs. The details of those things are for another blog.

The variable "a" will be whatever relevant ability is used in the saving throw. "p" is where all the work is done. How "p" is calculated will depend on the type of saving throw.

So the function for saving throw is (ad-p+b)/ad. What kind kind of saving throw determines both a and p.

So if the saving throw is "catch stealth" then:
a = defender or attackers ability
l = defender or attacker level
sa = stealth rating of attacker. How this will be calculated will be subject of another blog.

If the saving throw is "resist fear" then:
a = defender or attackers ability
l = defender or attacker level
ma = power of fear spell. Like stealth, how it is calculated will be for another blog.

Now right here, I think I need to slow down. I am not a programmer, and I need to explain my ideas to programmers.

So, am I on the right track? Is this way of handling saving throws making sense in programmer mindset?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ability Checks... you know like a saving throw.

I've been lax in posting updates recently. I have been doing a lot of thinking. So much that's keeping me excited. There's been some things that I have had people help me work through. The question of abilities, I think is settled for now after much discussion with James and Stu. Here are the "fab five" attributes that all spells, hit points, mana points, and abilities will be based on:
Strength (Str)
Dexterity (Dex)
Perception (Prc)
Will Power (Wil)
Intelligence (Int)

Players rating can expect to vary between five to twenty.

The first thing I propose needs discussion is the ability checks. [i]Ability checks[/i], as the name implies an ability check is the chance to perform an ability. These might be spotting a thief, resisting a spell, climbing a wall, etc. All ability checks depend on one of the fab five attributes.

Rather than following the D&D d20 checkes, ability checks will be based on this formula:

This very easily turns into a percentage. The numbers on the top -numerators for those of you remember math- is were all the work will be done. "a" will always be the player's attribute that is used for the check. The penalty, which will have to be at least '1' is the difficulty of the check. The higher the number, the greater the difficulty. The bonus, which will normally be zero, is something spell or item that gives the greater chance of sucess at this ability check ("break door") without affect the attribute that affects the particular check ("Str")

Example Galstaff, Sorcerer-of-Light, is trudging through a dungeon. He has a Perception (Prc) of 12 and is about to walk near a trap. Galstaff has no special equipment to catch traps. The trap is well hidden, so the penalty is 10. Galstaff's check to spot the trap is calculated like this:

Galstaff then has a 16.7 percent chance of spotting the trap. *Roll 2d10* Galstaff fails the check, springs the trap, and half a dozen scorpions fall comically on Galstaff, Sorcerer-of-Light's head.

The next Galstaff returns to the dungeon after learning a new spell called "foresight." Foresight gives Galstaff a +3 bonus to detect traps and stealth. Galstaff agains nears an undetected trap. This time his ability check looks like this.

Galstaff now has a 41.7 percent chance to detect the trap. *roll dice* Galstaff fails to detect the trap. He slips into pit trap, hurts his foot, and curses his crappy, public-school, magical education.

This is fairly simple check. This is a great way for an ability check is a character versus environment check. But in order to cover character versus character interaction, more things are needed. If defending player is attempting to resist or counter the ability of an opposing character, the difference between those two characters' level should be taken into account. Hence this formula:

Now obviously, when you calculate level-of-defender minus level-of-attacker you can get a negative number. The result then would be just further penalty.

Example He-man, a level 10 warrior, has Will Power of (Will) of 13. Skeletor, a level 8 Warlock, is attempting to cast "fear" on He-man. Skeletor is a half-wit wizard, so the penalty is only 5. The calculation is done this way:

He-man has a 76% chance of success. *roll dice* he does. Skeltor casts Fear on Cringer to feel better about himself.

A second character vs. character comparison is a comparison of the attributes of each character. The defending character is always the one who will make the check, but the following formula takes the difference between the defenders attribute and the attacker's attribute:

ExampleCheney, the hunter, has a Perception of 14 and is checking to catch a stealthed Rogue with a Dexterity of 17. (Since a rogue's stealth is depended on dexterity, that is that attribute compared) The penalty is 8. The forumla then looks like this:

Cheney has a 21.4 percent chance to notice the Rouge. *roll dice* fail. Cheney shoots a deer instead.

That then, is my introduction to Ability checks.

Concerns? Questions? Please, anyone who is confused, please let me know.

Monday, September 27, 2010

UML - yay or nay

Recently, when discussing this project with a friend, I was given a UML book to take a gander at.

Here's the thing. My role in this project is a designer and producer. My job is to to explain -clearly and as unambiguously as possible- to programmers what the program is supposed to do. I must also give clear definitions of the various parts of the program and how they will fit together.

I must do this all without actually knowing how to program.

UML seems to be where this comes in. While I have only been able to take a brief look at it, the various notations, boxes, and objects in order to create an algorithm. For a programmer to follow. This of assumes the programmer(s) also understand UML.

Now, of course, as someone who does not know how to program I don't want to issue instructions to those who do. What I want to do is draw up the UML, hand it to the programmer and ask them to change anything that needs changing. I figure that programmers know best how to program.

Learning UML, will be a task in itself. Before I invest in such a book, can any you programmers tell me if it is worth the investment, or should I invest in something else?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Inklings of a Campaign World

This post is protected, but if you're reading this I have course given you permission to read it.

What follows is quick brainstorm of nations in a campaign world. This is incredibly rough sketch, that is not intended to even go in to serious detail. Remember though that the starting classes and races that are available to a player will depend on which nation they choose to start in. Unlocking other classes/races will involve grinding/questing.

Also, technology levels will be different depending on the nations. Though I am not sure whether some places will be full on steam-punk while others will be dark ages yet.

Here they area.

Large Nation States
The Elvish Areas The Elves in this campaign world will be in a kind of political crisis. A progressive group of Elves are favoring arcane magic and a highly structured, unified, and hierarchical society. It aims at a "Lawful Good" or "Lawful Neutral" society. Their buildings are made of stone, and not wood. Another group of elves is of an older order. They are the semi-nomadic Druidic culture that is prefers to stay in the time when Elves where more genuine, isolated, and went with the flow of nature. These Elves are true neutral in their ethos and accuse the progressives of creating evil by creating good, creating thieves by creating possessions, and creating crime by creating governments.

Dwarf Feudal Kingdom I have always found it odd that Dwarves live underground, but somehow manage to feed their populations without above ground farms. The Feudal Kingdom will be a mixture of cave dwelling dwarves who handle industry and surface dwelling dwarves who handle agriculture. Their government is build on feudal baronies. Peasants are still tied to the land. There is very little social mobility. I have considered making the Feudal Kingdom totally human, but I think a Dwarf feudal kingdom might be more original.

The Stagnant Empire Formally the southern half of a human Empire, is now a shadow of its former glory since invasions of barbarian races cut the Empire down the middle. It remains relatively isolated from the rest of the world, but still maintains much art, culture, and even magic.

The Human Republics This collection of city states split off from the Stagnant Empire centuries ago during the invasions. During that time, they ceased to acknowledge the authorities of appointed governors and magistrates and began experimenting with independent constitutional governments. Local hereditary barons still hold official power over the cities (with elected parliaments), but the entire confederation is governed by a senate and appointed sovereign.

The Island States These recently settled islands are a mercantile trade hub with all other areas. The islands are officially governed by a Lord and an elected council, but the real power of this islands is within three aristocratic families who control the trade routes, lend money, and construct ships. Each family has their own history and interests. All races are represented here. They are allied with no nation, but maintain close relations with the Human Republics.

Smaller Areas

How about a small, theocratic, city state?

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Divide up the Primary Stats?

Of all the pieces that make up an RPG, how one divides up stats, is probably the most fundamental. They affect everything from the power of abilities, to chances to hit, to whether or not the character gets some.

Character stats are also fundamental because from the most basics, (Strength, Dexeterity etc) one can automatically derive the other more secondary stats (Hit points, "saving throws," speed).

The challenge is to do the following things: 1)Divide the stats in a believable way because this contributes to immersion 2) Make the stats simple enough that they can be easily understood and adjusted because players want good gameplay 3) Bear in mind how the stats will affect spells and abilities in context of combat.

I submit here, for judgment of all of you, two paradigms of stats. The first is the familiar AD&D 2.0 that all of you are all probably familiar with:

This paradigm is familiar to all who have ever played an RPG. It is easy to adjust, to manage, and everyone will automatically assume which classes need what. There is no need to re-invent the wheel if the wheel is rolling just fine. There are however, two problems I see.

The first, is that there is no character stat for visual perception. If a hunter fires a bow, a thief spots a trap, or someone finds a secret door which stat best provides the bonus? Dexterity might work for the fist example, but what do you use for the other two? Wisdom maybe?

Secondly in covering "Wisdom" I have always thought that it covers to much. If I say, use wisdom to cover visual perception, it seems strange that I also use it to cover the resistance to a charm spell, the cleverness of a problem solving, or a the sheer will power to haggle for the right price. I have always thought that wisdom was a "catch all" for mental powers not included in intelligence.

There then, are two problems I see with the AD&D paradigm.

The second Paradigm comes from the game Arcanum. Arcanum has eight stats instead of six. There are four "physical stats" and four corresponding "mental stats." Here they are:
Physical Stats / Mental stats
Strength / Intelligence
Constitution / Will Power
Dexterity / Perception
Beauty / Charisma

I'm sure you can see some of the advantages to this paradigm. First, there is a visual perception stat. Secondly, even Beauty and Charisma are rightly divided. How often did you play a table top RPG and wonder if your character was attractive instead of just charismatic? If I were to ever table-top RPG again, I would want to play in a system that used these stats rather than AD&D stats.

There is perhaps a not so obvious down turn. Arcanum was a radically open world design. It was so "open" that there were not even character class. Your avatar became what you allotted the skill points to. This was great for creating original, unique, characters in a solo-RPG -and it would be a nightmare for PVP balance. Also, I can imagine how Charimsa might affect abilities (Paladin auras, for instance) but I see no place at all for physical beauty.

There are other paradigms out there. World of Warcraft, has its own workable paradigm. As do many other games. What must be decided here is what kind of paradigm would be best used in this game. Keep in mind that if this picked well, than all other stats can be derived from whatever primary stats are chosen.

That will keep it simple for players, as well as provide believable immersion.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The General game concept.

One of the designers interviewed in Game Development Essentials mentioned that even genre need not be decided before game mechanics are put together. This is wise advice, as the heart of any game enjoyment eventually becomes game play. Nonetheless, some idea of the trajectory and purpose needs to be decided and discussed first. Everything here, is of course brainstorming and subject to change.

I have in mind a type of browser MMORPG. If you are familiar with Castle Age (the facebook game) then you have an idea of how they work. The main difference envisioned is that characters would get a starting character and class. It is not enough to stick with a single avater. Eventually, players would control and develop several characters in combat at the same time. Think of Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, and similiar RPGs. You might have one "central" character, but also handled the inventories, experience points, spells etc for two to four other characters.

The campaign world will have at least four distinct "nations" in which the players choose their starting races/classes. What classes will be available to them might depend on which nation they start it. For instance, in one nation the players can choose between the standard fighter, mage, theif, cleric but could not choose paladins. In another nation they could choose paladins, but not mages -and so on. Some other classes might be equally obscured and involve challenges to unlock. Players then, will be given a feeling of accomplishment when they are able to access all classes.

Now this sounds simple enough, but obviously it is not. Making a game like this involves a campaign world, class balance, level schemes, items, allocations of character stats, and dozens of other things branching of the bubble map. All of this is rather intimidating. It is. However, when broken up into piece, by piece, and by piece, everything can come together easily into a cohesive whole.

This is probably the most macro blog that I will mention for a long, long time. The next blog will involve open thoughts on combat. For now, everything is very open for comments on any subject of a browser-style MMO that any of you might wish mention.

Please give your thoughts.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How does one speak to programmers?

No the title of the thread is not meant to be a cheap shot at the stereo-type of a programmers personality.

This is something that I am really thinking about.

I know lots of programmers. They're smart people. They usually keep to themselves and quietly and steadily get a task completed with the dedication of tortoise. They consider their tasks a veritable work of art and craftsmanship and usually take pride in it.

I believe, likely part of the problem, with large projects is that producers, designers, and artists do not really know how to communicate their goals in the kind of language the programmers understand. Non-programmers do not understand programmers well enough to set their goals, expectations, and hopes for a program in ways that make sense.

If you are a programmer, what was one of the biggest miscommuncations that you got from management? What were the consequences? What could the management have done to communicate more effectively?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is Finis Nova?

Welcome to my new blog. If you were listed among the people I emailed it is because I value your opinion and your input. I have spoken with many of you over the last couple of months regarding what this blog is about so I am sure that you understand.

This blog is the beginning of solutions to major fire control in my life. More importantly, it is also the beginning of building of wealth for myself and a few others who will have the ambition and dedication to participate.

Over the last three years I have realized that I am simply tired of trying to find the right job, the right place to live, the endless applications, the frustration with training and re-training. It feels generally sisyphean at this point. "Jobs" will eventually get better in the United States, but I expect to be working out in Korea soon. However, the whole wage-slave lifestyle -especially in education- does not appeal to me anymore.

This recently climaxed last May in which I was forced to leave Los Angeles. Now, it is doubtful that I would have ever stayed in Los Angeles to begin with, but I do not want to be forced to leave an area. Having to leave because I cannot get employed is very frustrating. I want to be able to choose where I live. Other financial concerns weigh heavily on my mind as well. They are concerns that are familiar to all of you such as student loans, rent, retirement savings, general emergency funds etc. Most importantly, I support two world vision kids. This is not a good thing that I do not want to cease.

There was been a strange and wonderful thing I have noticed over the last year. I sell things on Zazzle more often than I get calls back for job interviews. I can't speak for any of you, but it is a very, very, good feeling when you make something and someone buys it. The income is small, but the income is passive. It is a finite amount of work for an infinite amount revenue over time. This seems advantageous, does it not?

I have also learned recently that millionaires read one non-fiction book a month. If there is anything that a liberal arts background can give you, it is the ability to learn and read quickly. Over the summer I have been reading a few important books. I just finished a textbook on videogame design.

I suppose everyone can probably guess what it is I intend to do. I intend to design and produce a facebook game. This means finding friends who have talents in areas that I do not, and going through the process of game development from proto-type, to alpha, to beta, and eventually a release. There will be a lot to do and a lot to learn. I believe that such a project will take well over year.

I feel very strongly that this is the right thing to do. In the worst case scenario, the programmers and artists who I work with will be able to have shining gem to place on their resumes. "I participated in the design, production, and execution of a major independent project." I imagine that most employers might like to see that. In the best case scenario is that we run a little cooporation, work our asses off for a period of time, but then later twiddle our thumbs as supplementary income magically appears in our bank accounts.

One can only guess what other games might come afterwards.

This blog will serve as a disucssion, brainstorming, and a general need for consistency on my part. Everything else will be password protected, so you might want to e-mail if you want to read anymore. Additionally, my twitter account is up in the corner and you can follow me there as well.

Here's to a lot more research.